

Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients

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SKU: 9781138942615 - 88 Categories: , , , NDIS approved: Yes Author: KNABB Publisher: Taylor & Francis ISBN: 9781138942615 Publish date: 25/03/2016

Product overview

Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients balances empirical evidence with theology to give clinicians a deep understanding of not just the “why” but also the “how” of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Christian clients. Chapters include a detailed exploration of the overlap between ACT and the Christian faith, case studies, and techniques that are explicitly designed to be accessible to non-Christian as well as Christian (including evangelical Christian) counselors and therapists. Chapters present the established research on mindfulness and ACT, including a nuanced, non-dichotomous view of complex issues such as medication, and lay a firm theological foundation through the use of engaging biblical stories and metaphors.