Super Duper Publications

204 Fold & Say® Social Skills

$74.95 inc GST $68.14 ex GST

Fold & Say for Social Skills is a collection of little books presenting everyday social situations from school, home, and the community. Each 8 1/2″ x 11″ story folds into a 4-page mini-storybook.

Develops Social Skills:

Students look at/read about a common social situation, decide on an outcome, and then tell, write, or draw a picture of what happens next.
Students answer one to five questions about the situation. Each question helps the students focus on the feelings of the people involved in the activity and to explore other possible story outcomes.
Develops Language Skills!
Boosts language development.
Promotes social language skills such as sequencing, story retelling, paraphrasing, main idea, and narrative form.
Encourages logical and analytical thinking.


204 Fold & Say reproducible social stories
204 school, home and community topics
“Draw and/or Write” page for readers and non-readers
Reproducible parent/helper letter
Five questions per topic for optional parent/teacher discussion
Blank master to create your own stories
Activity suggestions and ideas
Amusing and playful illustrations



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SKU: 9781586502089 - 72 Categories: , , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 6 - 12 Author: Deena E. Mahler Publisher: Super Duper Publications Page count: 213 ISBN: 9781586502089 Language: English

Product overview

Fold & Say for Social Skills is a collection of little books presenting everyday social situations from school, home, and the community. Each 8 1/2″ x 11″ story folds into a 4-page mini-storybook.

Develops Social Skills:

Students look at/read about a common social situation, decide on an outcome, and then tell, write, or draw a picture of what happens next.
Students answer one to five questions about the situation. Each question helps the students focus on the feelings of the people involved in the activity and to explore other possible story outcomes.
Develops Language Skills!
Boosts language development.
Promotes social language skills such as sequencing, story retelling, paraphrasing, main idea, and narrative form.
Encourages logical and analytical thinking.


204 Fold & Say reproducible social stories
204 school, home and community topics
“Draw and/or Write” page for readers and non-readers
Reproducible parent/helper letter
Five questions per topic for optional parent/teacher discussion
Blank master to create your own stories
Activity suggestions and ideas
Amusing and playful illustrations