
Everyday Objects: Colorcards 2nd Edition

$75.95 inc GST $69.05 ex GST

This pack of 48 large format ColorCards contains a basic noun vocabulary for use with language activities. The cards are arranged in six categories, each with eight items. For ease of sorting, each category has a different colour background. The items are well-known to all ages and abilities, and are a valuable resource in individual and group work for: Attention and Concentration; Vocabulary building; Developing comprehension; Encouraging expressive language; Improving communication skills; Grouping and classification; and Language-based games and activities.

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SKU: 9781909301955 - 66 Categories: , , , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 0 - 5 Author: Speechmark Publisher: Routledge Page count: 48 Edition: 2nd Edition ISBN: 9781909301955 Publish date: June 27, 2016

Product overview

This pack of 48 large format ColorCards contains a basic noun vocabulary for use with language activities. The cards are arranged in six categories, each with eight items. For ease of sorting, each category has a different colour background. The items are well-known to all ages and abilities, and are a valuable resource in individual and group work for: Attention and Concentration; Vocabulary building; Developing comprehension; Encouraging expressive language; Improving communication skills; Grouping and classification; and Language-based games and activities.