Guidance Group

Colorcards – Prepositions (1st Edition)

$88.95 inc GST $80.86 ex GST

48 cards designed to develop comprehension and expression of prepositions This is a set of cards arranged in eight sets of six cards. Each set represents a single preposition photographed six times in different contexts.

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SKU: 9780863883897 - 66 Categories: , Ages: 6 - 12 Author: Speechmark Publisher: Routledge Page count: 48 Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 9780863883897 Publish date: 1 January 1996

Product overview

Examples include:

  • In – The girls is standing in the bucket
  • On – The boy is sleeping on the chair
  • Under – The bowl of fruit is under the table
  • Over – The balloons are floating over the girl
  • Through – The boy’s toes are poking through his sock
  • Between – The small girl is standing between the boys

The concepts and vocabulary shown relate to common experiences such as a cat on a lap, whilst other cards introduce humour with, for example, a bear queuing at a bus stop. The prepositions illustrated teach awareness of space, position and movement. 48 cards, 210 x 148mm + booklet, boxed. It is suitable for 4+.