Yellow Door

Early Maths Software Collection

$110.95 inc GST $100.86 ex GST

Introduce your little learners to the enchanting world of mathematics with our exciting collection of early years maths apps! Discover a delightful collection of interactive games and activities designed to spark curiosity, boost critical thinking, and foster a love for numbers. From counting colourful objects to exploring basic shapes, our apps offer a captivating and engaging learning experience tailored to your child’s development needs. Make maths a joyful adventure from the very beginning, as your child builds a strong foundation for future academic success. Embrace the power of play-based learning and unlock your child’s mathematical potential today!

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SKU: 210723 - 117 Categories: , Ages: 0 - 5

Product overview

Early Maths Software Collection includes:

  • Count, Match and Order App
    • This app is packed with activities and will keep children busy as bees as they count, match and order the appealing bugs that feature in the three games. Count the insects in a range, or in regular and irregular arrays. Match the bugs to the different ways of representing the number shown. Order the bugs in ascending or descending sequences. There are two levels in each game, enabling progressive learning, and different options can be set for chosen numbers 0–10, array types, matching options and timer use to extend the challenge.
  • Number Patterns and Bonds App
    • Children will be challenged to develop their addition, subitising and number skills for number bonds to 10. The attractive graphics, instant feedback and entertaining rewards will help engage children with foundational maths concepts. There are two levels in each game, enabling progression, and different settings offer a choice of numbers (0–10), array design, pattern match, order and timing.
  • Sorting Stones App
    • This appealing app includes three games to help children practise their sorting and matching skills. The range of games encourages children to explore matching and sorting one criterion – shape, colour or size – before progressing to two attributes for a greater challenge. Teacher options enable game settings to be fixed depending on the mathematical focus or the ability of the user.
  • Match and Measure App
    • This new app really measures up! Based on our bestselling dinosaur bones, the games in this app are carefully designed to develop the skills of comparing, estimating and measuring. Beginning with direct comparisons, the games progress to non-standard and standard measurements as the bones are used in different ways to consolidate and extend children’s mathematical understanding. Children will have lots of fun uncovering the bones in the sand and learning how to compare and measure in different ways.