Product overview
Why Choose EyeTech?
– Multi OS support.
– Stand alone capability – no PC required!
– Proprietary technology – algorithms developed in-house.
– Compact size – unique range of hardware options from software only (no hardware) to custom branded housing and everything in between.
– Cost effective single camera design.
– Tracking range from near to far (head-mounted to TV).
– High performance – 40 Hz to 200+ Hz.
– IO includes USB 2, and GPIO.
– Robust tracking with fast acquisition.
Allow users to control a cursor with their eyes rather than a “mouse” or “trackpad” device.
EyeTech™ Digital Systems manufacture a range of eye tracking devices for users of all abilities. EyeTech™ easily interfaces with AAC (Alternative Augmented Communication) speech devices through a single USB connection and connects to any Windows PC.
The EyeTech™ range includes:

The VT2XL is an eye tracking device that can work with screen sizes as large as 50 inches. This device allows for long distance tracking, accurately providing data and interactive excitement from up to 3 meters (10 ft) away.
Partner this model with the TAPit® platform to provide superior computer accessibility for your clients.