
It’s My Life Now

$51.95 inc GST $47.23 ex GST

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SKU: 9780415415194 - 88 Categories: , , , , , NDIS approved: Yes Author: DUGAN Publisher: Taylor & Francis ISBN: 9780415415194 Publish date: 14/06/2018

Product overview

Now in its third edition, It’s My Life Now is a guide for survivors who have left an abusive relationship. It addresses—in clear, non-threatening language—various issues associated with abuse and violence, including post-relationship emotions, psychological impact, dealing with children, personal safety, legal problems, and financial security. Each chapter dismantles common myths about being in and leaving an abusive relationship and contains activities for self-exploration that survivors can complete as they navigate a new life free from abuse. Recommended by the National Coalition of Domestic Violence, this book is designed to benefit any survivor, no matter how much time has passed.