
Pocket Colorcards for Adults – In Hospital

$34.95 inc GST $31.77 ex GST

An essential pack for staff and visitors for people with communication difficulties, a stay in hospital can be a difficult and upsetting time. These 40 photographic cards help the client, therapist and carers to discuss worries or issues, to communicate needs or wants and to aid familiarisation with the environment or procedures. Show the client a group of cards. Ask them for a particular one. Gesture the use of an object or an activity and ask the client to choose the relevant card from a small group. Ask the client to mime or act the activity or object shown. Show the client a card and ask them the name of the object/activity shown. Develop communication skills further by talking about what is happening on the cards or the client’s own experiences. Includes: Personnel – nurse, physiotherapist, speech language therapist Medical Procedures – X-Ray, MRI/Cat scan, ECG, video fluroscopy Equipment – thermometer, zimmer frame, commode, bedpan Paperwork – menu card, appointment card, medical notes Moving On – leaving hospital, the canteen, nursing home, an ambulance.

Age: Adults

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SKU: 9780863885860 - 66 Categories: , , , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: Adult Author: Speechmark Publisher: Routledge Page count: 40 ISBN: 9780863885860

Product overview

An essential pack for staff and visitors for people with communication difficulties, a stay in hospital can be a difficult and upsetting time. These 40 photographic cards help the client, therapist and carers to discuss worries or issues, to communicate needs or wants and to aid familiarisation with the environment or procedures. Show the client a group of cards. Ask them for a particular one. Gesture the use of an object or an activity and ask the client to choose the relevant card from a small group. Ask the client to mime or act the activity or object shown. Show the client a card and ask them the name of the object/activity shown. Develop communication skills further by talking about what is happening on the cards or the client’s own experiences. Includes: Personnel – nurse, physiotherapist, speech language therapist Medical Procedures – X-Ray, MRI/Cat scan, ECG, video fluroscopy Equipment – thermometer, zimmer frame, commode, bedpan Paperwork – menu card, appointment card, medical notes Moving On – leaving hospital, the canteen, nursing home, an ambulance.

Age: Adults