
Pocket ColorCards – Heads & Tails

$23.95 inc GST $21.77 ex GST

A new and exciting matching game. Eighteen familiar objects are shown over two cards. The front half of each object is on the left hand card and the back half is on the right. The game is to find the two halves and match them together. Useful for early language skills, and for developing the concepts of front and back. The objects are all shown from the side and face to the left. Knowing that parts make a whole and understanding the idea of beginnings and ends is important for children getting ready to read. Examples include: Tractor and Trailer Horse and Carriage Engine and Truck Age:

All Ages

Contents: 36 cards 127 x 90mm + instruction cards, boxed

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SKU: 9780863884771 - 66 Categories: , , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 0 - 5 Author: Speechmark Publisher: Routledge Page count: 36 Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 9780863884771 Publish date: July 11, 2013

Product overview

A new and exciting matching game. Eighteen familiar objects are shown over two cards. The front half of each object is on the left hand card and the back half is on the right. The game is to find the two halves and match them together. Useful for early language skills, and for developing the concepts of front and back. The objects are all shown from the side and face to the left. Knowing that parts make a whole and understanding the idea of beginnings and ends is important for children getting ready to read. Examples include: Tractor and Trailer Horse and Carriage Engine and Truck Age:

All Ages

Contents: 36 cards 127 x 90mm + instruction cards, boxed