

Psychoanalysis, the Body, and the Oedipal Plot

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SKU: 9781138391260 - 88 Categories: , Author: MAGALLANES Publisher: Taylor & Francis ISBN: 9781138391260 Publish date: 14/11/2018

Product overview

Psychoanalysis, the Body, and the Oedipal Plot is a new radical departure in psychoanalytic exposition. An attempt is made to convey, in a language accessible for people from different disciplines, some of the most difficult processes that conform our subjectivity and our concept of difference and alterity.
Containing both significant theoretical material and applications of the theory to clinical psychoanalytic practice, this book offers the latest thinking on the importance of the body in psychoanalytic theory. Psychoanalysis, the Body, and the Oedipal Plot will be of interest to psychoanalysts, philosophers, and cultural theorists.