
Sex and Relationship Education in Primary School

$104.95 inc GST $95.41 ex GST

Sex and Relationship Education in Primary School will enable primary schools to deliver effective and age-appropriate sex and relationships education (SRE). This resource provides everything a primary school needs to provide 7-11 aged pupils with the effective sex and relationships education they deserve. It will ensure that teaching staff feel comfortable and confident to teach SRE, therefore proving an environment where pupils are not afraid to discuss matters of a personal nature. Each of the three sections begin with a summary which allows the teacher to familiarise themselves with the content and background information needed to teach the lessons. All lesson plans are set out with a brief introduction including teachers note, aims relating to what the children achieve from the lesson, the method of the lesson plan, how to introduce the subject, and information on suitable discussion points. A variety of activities accompany the lesson plans along with activity pages for children to complete. The lesson plans cover a range of subjects relating to SRE, including the following topics: Friendships, Relationships, Self Esteem, Feelings, Safety, Hygiene, Puberty, Growing Up, Sex Education, and The Needs of a Baby. Each 7-11 year group have at least one lesson plan for each theme and these can be incorporated in a way to suit the school timetable. By using Sex and Relationship Education in Primary Schools you can ensure that from years 3 to 6, all pupils receive age-appropriate SRE information throughout the school years.

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SKU: 9781906517830 - 66 Categories: , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 6 - 12

Product overview

Sex and Relationship Education in Primary School will enable primary schools to deliver effective and age-appropriate sex and relationships education (SRE). This resource provides everything a primary school needs to provide 7-11 aged pupils with the effective sex and relationships education they deserve. It will ensure that teaching staff feel comfortable and confident to teach SRE, therefore proving an environment where pupils are not afraid to discuss matters of a personal nature. Each of the three sections begin with a summary which allows the teacher to familiarise themselves with the content and background information needed to teach the lessons. All lesson plans are set out with a brief introduction including teachers note, aims relating to what the children achieve from the lesson, the method of the lesson plan, how to introduce the subject, and information on suitable discussion points. A variety of activities accompany the lesson plans along with activity pages for children to complete. The lesson plans cover a range of subjects relating to SRE, including the following topics: Friendships, Relationships, Self Esteem, Feelings, Safety, Hygiene, Puberty, Growing Up, Sex Education, and The Needs of a Baby. Each 7-11 year group have at least one lesson plan for each theme and these can be incorporated in a way to suit the school timetable. By using Sex and Relationship Education in Primary Schools you can ensure that from years 3 to 6, all pupils receive age-appropriate SRE information throughout the school years.

The lesson plans within Sex and Relationship Education in Primary School are separated into three main sections:

1. Relationships: This section includes lessons which involve pupils in discussing friendships, feelings and respect, prepare them for adulthood and enable them to develop skills in relating well to others. Pupils who learn the ability to talk openly are more likely to be honest in sexual relationships when they are older. This section of the resource enables pupils to work on the following: Self-esteem, Positive relationships, Honesty, Feelings, Friendships and Respect. The lessons provide a structure around which schools can build their own program.

A selection of the lesson plans provided are:

– How do I feel? (Year 3) – looks at experiencing different feelings and the importance of talking and expressing those feelings.

– Feeling safe (Year 4) – aims to raise awareness of stranger danger and ensures pupil involvement in risk assessment within the school setting.

– Friendships(Year 5) – discusses the importance of friendship and encourages pupils to become aware of the value of good friendship.

– Self-esteem (Year 6) – encourages pupils to consider their own self esteem and promotes the importance of self esteem in relationships.

2. Puberty: Girls generally begin puberty between the ages of 8 and 12 years of age, whereas boys are slightly later starting puberty usually between 10 and 14 years of age. The majority of children will have certainly started to notice changes by the age of 11 in year 6 in primary school. The puberty work in this resource focuses on reassuring children that puberty happens to everyone, therefore there is always someone to talk to about any worries or concerns they may have. The lessons provide a structure around which schools can build their own program.

A selection of the lesson plans provided are:

– Hygiene (Year 3) – looks at the importance of hygiene and prepares pupils for the changes about to occur in puberty.

– Growing up (Year 4) – introduces children to the physical and emotional changes which occur during puberty.

– Menstruation(Year 5) – discusses menstruation in detail to ensure pupils are clear and familiar with this change.

– Changes (Year 6) – consolidates the children’s understanding of the different types of changes they may experience during puberty.

3. Sex Education: Conception and puberty are the starting points for these discussions. It is important that children and young people are familiar with the process of conception and that any myths are dispelled. Many children are confused by answers that adults give to them, so it is important to respond with honest and age-appropriate answers which enable the child to comprehend these issues without confusion. The lessons provide a structure around which schools can build their own program.

A selection of the lesson plans provided are:

– Who do I look like? (Year 3) – encourages children to think about why they have similarities to those related to them.

– Baby Needs (Year 4) – looks at how life changing having a baby can be. Pupils can familiarise themselves with the costs of a new baby and look at everything they would need.

– How did we get here? (Year 5) – provides pupils with factual information relating to conception and a recap on puberty.

– How old do we have to be? (Year 6) – familiarises pupils with age limits and why they are in place. It discusses the legal age for sexual intercourse.

Primary Ages: 7-11