Loggerhead Publishing

Talking About Self-Esteem

$75.95 inc GST $69.05 ex GST

34 activity cards allowing discussion on inner beliefs that can help and hinder self-esteem and self-confidence

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SKU: 9781909380509 - 104 Categories: , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 6 - 12 ISBN: 9781909380509

Product overview

These double-sided cards each show a pair of beliefs that young people may hold and their possible responses to them. Side one shows a healthy belief and the life-affirming positive response to it. Side two shows an unhealthy belief and the damaging negative response to it. Exploring some of these abstract concepts in a safe group will guide users towards real understanding. The cards can be used:

  • As visual prompts to help the group identify and talk about their beliefs
  • To show how beliefs can be healthy, unhealthy or in-between
  • To suggest how to use positive responses to begin to change their more negative beliefs
  • To identify and learn from a significant person in their lives who has good self-esteem.

34 cards 90 x 130 mm