
What are They Thinking? Colorcards

$108.95 inc GST $99.05 ex GST

This is an inspiring and creative resource for developing empathy, understanding feelings and recognising emotions. Designed to stimulate animated discussion, these imaginative photocards provide an innovative way of initiating conversation with individuals and groups. They are also useful for creative writing with all ages.

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SKU: 9780863886959 - 66 Categories: , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 13 - 18 Publisher: Speechmark Page count: 30 Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 9780863886959 Publish date: February 4, 2009 ISBN: 9780863886959 Publisher: Speechmark Publish Date: 4th February, 2009

Product overview

The user imagines what the people are thinking and how they may feel in a similar situation, then fills in the speech bubble either verbally or in writing. This provides an opportunity to: focus on thinking; explore the relationship between thoughts and feelings; recognise that behaviour can affect others; and, look at the influences on thoughts and feelings, of factors such as surprise, stress, anger and excitement. It includes a CD-ROM with all the images to print out as individual worksheets. It is a valuable resource for SEAL.