Guidance Group

You & Me: A Game of Social Skills

$127.95 inc GST $116.32 ex GST

A cooperative board game that teaches day-to-day social skills and social awareness. Designed to help children become socially aware of the world they live in, as they build the social skills they need in everyday life: helping, sharing, being polite, cooperating, understanding different points of views, listening, following rules, acting assertively, and being a friend. Players work as a team, there are no individual winners.

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SKU: 9781588150110 - 99 Categories: , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 6 - 12 Language: English

Product overview

48 ACT cards
48 TALK cards
48 DRAW cards
2 Dice
Sand Timer
100 Chips
6 Pawns

  • Help children build the social skills they need in everyday life
  • Fun board game format keeps children engaged and learning!
  • For 2-6 players
  • Ages: 4-12