How about starting with something simple like designing a costume for KUBO. Learners could use the existing template, or even design their own?
This cat costume is based on the KUBO template, with triangles cut out of the head to make ears. You can do a lot with the template, or use it as a basis to be even more creative and design accessories for KUBO to wear or use different materials?
Moving a load, could KUBO be made into a horse with a cart? How about a challenge, who’s cart can pull the heaviest load!
This model was made with a small cardboard box. The wheels are borrowed from a 3D printed car (lots of designs available on Thingiverse). The axle is a paper straw. This cart will pull loads up to 100g!
How about a KUBO carousel? KUBO’s motor and the program could be used to power a carousel.
This carousel was made from cardboard. It is worth starting with the program to see what size circle you can get KUBO to turn within. The diameter was 27cm and the program used is shown below. It will take a lot of tinkering with the model and program to get it working, but it’s lots of fun getting there!
This program for the carousel uses Tag Tiles from KUBO coding and coding ++.
There are unlimited possibilities and your most creative resources are your students. Once they start they will come up with even more fantastic ideas.
Find KUBO Robots here
Author: Nicola Kleiser
Education Technology Consultant
Crewe, United Kingdom