Industry 4.0

Inspired by industry 4.0, Ned 2 is used by industry professionals to quickly develop and test automation processes and explore the future of robotics in industry. It’s intuitive user interface makes it easy to prototype industry use cases and proof of concepts.

Ned 2 industry example


Ned 2 has been designed from the ground up to be your partner in the classroom or in the lab. Students can quickly build programs in either Blockly or Python and test with ease. Ned 2’s silent stepper motors and Cobot Safety features allows for multiple units to be operated in the same space without disrupting others.

Ned2 for Education

Expand your Ned 2 Possibilities

Build complexity, collaboration and autonomy into your Ned 2 programs using our range of Ned 2 accessories.

Vision Set

Add Computer Vision to your Robot Applications with the Ned 2 Vision Set. Detect, Select, Pick and Place Objects with Computer Vision.

Vision Set Ned 2

Conveyor Belt

Build small scale production lines with the Ned 2 Conveyor Belt. Control the conveyor belt independently with the control box or integrate it directly into your robot applications via Ned 2.

Ned 2 Conveyor Belt

Grippers and Effectors

Build flexibility into your Ned 2 applications with our range of Grippers and End Effectors.

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  • Educational Resources

  • Mental Health & Psychology

  • NDIS & Disability Resources

  • Robotics

  • Social & Emotional Development

  • Educational Resources

  • Mental Health & Psychology

  • NDIS & Disability Resources

  • Robotics

  • Social & Emotional Development