Franklin Learning Systems

Character Challenge – SALE

$119.95 inc GST $109.05 ex GST


Character Challenge is a board game specifically designed to challenge students to think critically about important character issues. They will learn what constitutes good character (and bad character) and what character means in terms of the quality of relationships with family, friends, and adults at school.

Players: 2-6 (more with team play)

Grades: 5-8 (also high interest material for older special needs students)

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SKU: 448875 - SALE Categories: , , Tag: NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 6 - 12 Language: English

Product overview

Character Challenge is a board game specifically designed to challenge students to think critically about important character issues. They will learn what constitutes good character (and bad character) and what character means in terms of the quality of relationships with family, friends, and adults at school.

The dimensions of character built into the game include:

– Trustworthiness
– Respect for Others
– Responsibility
– Honesty
– Respect for Self
– Caring
– Compassion
– Fairness
– Loyalty
– Respect for self

The above list of character traits is not given to the students before playing the game. Part of the learning experience is for the students to come up with their own list based on their experiences in the game and in life in general. In the game, the President of the United States has just announced a national competition among schools for “character teams”.

Schools compete to come up with the best team – a group of students with sterling character. The players are in the role of school principals, and they try to field the best possible team. The fictitious students face a series of moral dilemmas, and the players must rate their character based on how they handle the dilemmas. Players can then improve their teams by throwing the students with bad character off the teams. The situations that are judged by the players are not obvious and require careful thought. The moral issues in the game have been carefully selected so that they represent common beliefs held by school administrators, parents, and religious organisations in this country. The specific examples reflect the character traits listed above.

Players: 2-6 (more with team play)

Grades: 5-8 (also high interest material for older special needs students)