
MiRo-E – Educational Robot

MiRo-E is a highly specified, flexible, low-cost, programmable AI robotic platform, developed to mimic familiar domestic animal-like behaviour.
Each MiRo-e includes 100 hours of access to MiRoCode, MiRo’s cloud based programming software.

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SKU: 956856 - MI Categories: , , , , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 13 - 18 Language: English

Product overview

MiRo-E is an advanced AI robot adapted for education and learning coding…!
After extensive research and the remarkable success of the developer version MiRo-E is now available to schools! 
Why is MiRo-E right for your classroom?
MiRo-E’s robust hardware is optimised with 10 degrees of freedom, a wide sensor array and Wifi/Bluetooth connectivity. MiRo-E provides unparalleled interaction with students and their environment.
The user-friendly interface gives students a unique workspace to follow a curriculum or test their own code on a simulated MiRo. This can then be run on the Raspberry Pi within the physical robot, allowing several students to develop their own behaviours using a mix of established text and block-based programming languages.
MiRo-E’s engaging pet-like appearance stands out from other educational robots and immediately stimulates student’s imaginations. They learn how to code, implementing their creative ideas through the highly featured platform.
MiRo-E is the perfect fit for any classroom, including SEN and student emotional care. MiRo-E can be used from P-12 and in various subjects to provide a well balanced multi-level learning experience. Example modules help guide educators to develop learning materials and encourage teamworking.
Provides an unique opportunity to engage non-STEM minded students in the Digital Curriculum and has been proven to change the way learners view themselves in the context of STEM.
Also includes battery and charger!
MiRo-E Student Interface:
What is Miro-E?
MiRo-E is a highly specified, flexible, low-cost, programmable AI robotic platform, developed to mimic familiar domestic animal-like behaviour.
Key highlights are:
  • Works straight out of the box exhibiting pet-like behaviour in pastoral / demonstration mode.
  • Flexible and can be used from primary school to university.
  • 3rd generation MiRo has been completely re-engineered and evolved for education.
  • Developed for learning robotic coding from first principles to high level.
  • Easy-to-learn programming app has been specially designed.
  • Simulate MiRo’s behaviour on screen using browser-based Gazebo app, this means a whole class can work on programming and only need one or two MiRo’s per classroom.
  • Emotionally Engaging personality friendly and familiar.
  • State of the Art Biomimetic AI technology replicates a small mammal’s behaviour.
  • It has a powerful Raspberry Pi B 3+ processor incorporated and loaded with software.
  • Fully programmable, serviceable and upgradeable by a user with moderate experience.
  • The unique Brain Based Biomimetic Control System [3BCS] developed by Sheffield University and in Bristol Robotic Lab.
  • Communicates using WiFi /  Bluetooth / USB, which allows:
  • Bluetooth set-up and behaviour configuration using MiRo-E smart phone App.
  • WiFi gives access to higher power computing and cloud services.
What does MiRo-E do?
  • MiRo-E is trained to react to humans and each other using behaviour, sound and light. It is autonomous in demonstration / pastoral care mode. It responds to touch, stroking and sound. It is a proven flexible & useful tool for sophisticated university research. It could also potentially help with therapy for neurological conditions [from SEN to dementia].
How does the MiRo-E Educational programming Interface [MEI] work?
  • MiRo-E arrives with the required software loaded.
  • There’s a 3D robot simulator (Gazebo) for speedy development using one MiRo-E per class.
What else is MiRo-E useful for?
  • MiRo-E is proving to be useful as a pastoral and cognitive therapy tool for:
  • Special Educational Needs in children and adults.
  • High level university research looking to hack robots or do their own custom programming.
  • Aged care companion robot.

What age group is MiRo-E suitable for?
 The 3rd Gen. MiRo-E  has been specifically developed for education, including:
  • A classroom pet in early school learning [pastoral care mode].
  • Primary schools using the simple-to-grasp MiRoSim interface.
  • Secondary schools using Blockly, C++, Python programming languages.
  • Special Educational needs.
  • Research into therapy for age related issues.
  • We would suggest students below age 7 interact primarily with the physical MiRo-E (to explore simple STEM, Robotics, Engineering and Programming concepts) and students older than 7 start utilising the MiRo educational interface.
How many MiRo-E’s do you need per class?
  • Only one MiRo-E is needed per classroom.
  • As MiRo-E’s interact wonderfully with each other so two or three per class is an ideal.
  • The browser-based simulator interface means individual pupils can learn to code and see how the virtual MiRo-E will behave on screen before they download to the physical robot.
What is MiRo-E’s battery life and how is it charged?
  • MiRo-E comes with a rechargeable battery pack and inline charger.
  • The battery life varies with usage, but it is approximately 6+ hours active and 12+ hours standby.
What gender is MiRo-E?
It is up to you! – We view MiRo as a ‘non-binary’ digital device.
What is the potential?
  • MiRo-E, with the right know-how and programming, could be manipulated by advanced users to perform a wide range of custom functions:
  • Stereo HD vision could be programmed for:
    Facial recognition and analysis of mood and body language
    Situational awareness
    Optical navigation using objects and ceiling for reference points
    User-programmed applications for the quad microphones might include:
    Acoustic mapping to understand where sounds are coming from
    Respond to ambient noise so behaviour reacts to it
    Obey certain voice commands
    Analysis of voice detecting abnormal stress or excitement.
    Situational awareness
  • WiFi /Bluetooth/USB then could give access to:
    Higher power computing for more sophisticated tasks such as SLAM navigation and sophisticated facial recognition analysis
    Operation in remote environments for security and surveying
    Cloud services such as Alexa, Siri and Google
    The only constraint is your skill and imagination!

Technical Specifications

Weight: 3.3 kg (2.9 kg without battery pack)
Wheel track: 164 mm
Wheel diameter: 90 mm
Maximum forward speed: 400 mm/sec
Power: NiMH 4.8V 10Ah
Battery life: Varies with usage: typically 6+ hours active, 12+ hours standby

4 × Microphones[1]: 16-bit @ 20kHz
2 x Cameras [2]: 1280×720 @ 15fps, 640×360 @ 25fps, 320×240 @ 35fps
1 x Sonar [3]: Proximity sensor in nose (3cm up to 1m)
28 × Touch: 14 in body, 14 in head; capacitive
4 × Light: Spread around body skirt
2× Cliff [4]: Front edge of body skirt
2 × Motion: 1 opto sensor in each wheel (also back EMF)
3 × Position: 1 position sensor in each body joint
2 × Accelerometer: 1 in body, 1 in head
1 x Voltage
1 x Battery voltage

[1] Two primary microphones in the base of the ears are supplemented by a noise-rejection microphone inside the head and an additional external microphone in the tail.
[2] Other frame sizes and aspect ratios are available; frame rate can be adjusted freely between 1.0 fps and the listed maximum.
[3] Sonar reflections are more reliable at shorter ranges—sensor will report good reflectors at up to 1 metre.
[4] Cliff sensors can be fooled by varying lighting conditions and/or presence of unrelated objects and by backwards motion; users should not assume they will be sufficient to prevent the robot driving off edges.

2 × Main wheels: Differential drive
3 × Body joints: Lift, yaw, and pitch

2 × Tail (wag/droop): Wagging (side-to-side) and droop (up-and-down) motions
2 x Ears (rotate): Left and right ear rotate independently
2 x Eyelids (open/close): Two eyelids open and close independently

6× Illumination: RGB illumination LEDs shine through the body shell, three on each flank
Sound output: Streaming audio digitised at 8kHz

Embedded Stack
P1: 3× STM32F030
ARM Cortex M0 @ 24MHz

P2:1× STM32H743
ARM Cortex M7 @ 400MHz

On-board Computer
P3: 1× Raspberry Pi 3B+
ARM Cortex A53 Quad Core @ 1.4GHz
Bluetooth, WiFi, USB expansion ports