
Therapeutic Story StartUps Pack

$272.95 inc GST $248.14 ex GST

Therapeutic Story StartUps is a creative resource that can be used by therapists and other professionals working with children aged 4-12 years. These resources are designed to support children to understand, explore and express their feelings through story, imagination and play. Six beautifully illustrated storybooks address the themes of: Loss, Anger, Self-Esteem, Bullying, Worries and Family Break-Up. Additionally there are characters, props and scenes to invite the child to act out their own story, asking the question, “What happens next?…”

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SKU: 9780367257712 - 66 Categories: , , , , , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 0 - 5 Author: Angela Amos, Anne Cunningham, Aileen Webber Publisher: Speechmark Page count: 184 ISBN: 9780367257712 Publish date: 22nd November, 2019

Product overview

The full pack includes:

  • Six illustrated storybooks, each prompting the child to create their own ending
  • 30 colourful free-standing characters, six background scenes and a number of additional props
  • Six mood-cards designed to support story-making
  • Therapeutic Story-Souvenirs to remind the child of the story they have created
  • Online guidelines for therapists provide prompts for using the stories and suggestions on how to use the resources. Separate guidelines for non-therapists are also provided
  • Additional copies of characters and souvenir cards can be downloaded and printed to personalise the work for individual children and make it a continually renewable resource

Table of Contents

6 x beautifully illustrated storybooks

Over 50 characters and props with stands

6 x scenery boards

6 x mood cards

18 x story souvenirs

Angela Amos is an arts-based child therapist working in private practice in Cambridge. She also supports qualified and training therapists privately alongside providing supervision for a local charitable organisation. Throughout this time she has been working as a therapist in a variety of local primary schools. Previously she worked as a consultant team leader managing a school counselling service, and also as a Parent-Child therapist. In the past she worked as a registered nurse for adults and children with learning disabilities. She has set up a family advisory service offering emotional and practical support to families and children with disabilities. She was a children’s case worker for a charity working in the field of domestic violence. She is the author of: “Can I Tell You About Multiple Sclerosis …?” An informative storybook for children.

[Qualifications: Registered Nurse for children and adults with Learning Disabilities, Diploma in Counselling (AEB), MA in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies (Tavistock), Diploma in Child Counselling (IATE), Registered Member of BACP, Video Interaction Guidance Stages 1 & 2 (AVIGuk), Certificate in Clay Therapy (PTUK), Diploma in Clinical Supervision (ASIIP), approved supervisor for PTUK, ASIIP

Anne Cunningham is a Sixth Form Tutor and the Head of Art at a well known 11-18 independent school in Cambridge, teaching art and emotional well-being. Additionally she promotes arts-based projects at the school in order to increase awareness, and raise funds for a charity school in India. As part of the school’s Enrichment Programme she collaborates in a scheme whereby sixth formers mentor Year 6 pupils from local primary schools to support their understanding of art history. Alongside her teaching, she has produced her own original range of stationery using her signature style of repeated patterns and rich colour combinations. Previously, for twenty years, she set up and ran her own design company, designing printed textiles and selling them to leading companies world-wide in the children’s wear market. For a significant proportion of that time she supported graduate textile designers by sponsoring The New Designers’ Show held annually at Islington Business Design Centre.

[Qualifications: B.A. (Hons) in Printed Textiles, Graduate Training Programme (Teaching Qualification) with The Cambridge Partnership, an National Professional Qualification for Middle Leaders (NPQML)].

Aileen Webber is a Gestalt and Integrative Arts Psychotherapist (UKCP) working with adults and children in private practice in Cambridge. She is a qualified supervisor of arts-based therapists. She has worked for a university counselling service and an NHS funded counselling service and run supervision groups for a charitable organisation who provide counselling for children in schools. Her previous work includes teaching children with a diverse range of special needs. She created and managed a multi-disciplinary enhanced resource within a mainstream school for children with physical, emotional, and learning difficulties. She was an advisor, consultant and inspector for others working with children with additional needs including SCOPE special schools across the country. She is the author of a book about transformational moments in the therapy room titled: “Breakthrough Moments in Arts-based Psychotherapy”(2017). She has co-authored a chapter in “Trauma in the Embodied and Creative Therapies: When Words are Not Enough” edited by Anna Chesner and Sissy Lykou to be published by Routledge early in 2020. She is also the author of 4 workbooks titled: “Independence and Integration” to support children with disabilities in mainstream schools.

[Qualifications: Teaching Certificate: (North Western Polytechnic, London), BA Open University Degree, Advanced Diploma in Psychology (Cambridge University: School of Education), Special Needs Course: Open University, OFSTED Team Inspector: Primary, Secondary and Special in Mainstream and Special Schools, Performance Management Training, Assessor of Advanced Skills Teachers, Assessor of Higher Level Teaching Assistants, Gestalt Psychotherapy Qualification: Cambridge, MA in Integrative Arts Psychotherapy (IATE): London, UKCP accreditation, Supervision Qualification (IATE).