Loggerhead Publishing

Behaviour Fans Pack

$51.95 inc GST $47.23 ex GST

This set of fans helps children to develop social skills and reinforce good behaviour. It also provides examples on how children can learn to be polite and receive praise.


  • Behaviour Fan
  • How Can I Be Polite? Fan
  • Positive Praise Fan
  • Positive Social Rules Fan
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SKU: 300622 - 104 Categories: , , NDIS approved: Yes Ages: 0 - 5 Publisher: Loggerhead Publishing

Product overview

Pack includes:

Behaviour Fan

  • The Behaviour Fan helps you to support children’s understanding of appropriate behaviour. Use the traffic lights to indicate ‘green’ well done, ‘amber’ think, ‘red’ stop. Ask the child to think about what should happen next by saying sorry and being friends. Use the thumbs up and star petals to praise appropriate action and reinforce the resulting positive behaviour.

How Can I Be Polite? Fan

  • This fan looks at the common forms of politeness and helps to teach children to use the correct words or gestures to support them to respond with socially acceptable polite responses. Situations include saying please and thank you, saying pardon when appropriate, saying excuse me, offering to share with others, being generous and helpful, saying sorry and remembering to praise other people for their work or actions.

Positive Praise Fan

  • The Positive Praise fan helps to reinforce positive behaviour and helps the child to feel good about themselves. When this happens they are more likely to repeat the positive behaviour they were praised for. This fan can be used to tell the child exactly what they are being praised for.

Positive Social Rules Fan

  • It’s easy to say no, don’t or stop. Use this fan to provide a visual clue to tell the child what you would like them to do in relation to social rules and instruction in a positive way. If a child is shouting, use the ‘use you indoor voice’ symbol or if a child is taking turns then use an appropriate petal and pass the fan backwards and forwards between the children when it is their turn. This fan can really help children to understand and remember Positive Social Rules.